If you’ve been hearing that unsightly screech when brake or park, chances are your brake pads could use replacing. Brake pads wear out over time and require replacement approximately every 40,000-50,000 miles. The number of miles your brake pads last depends on your style of driving, the climate you live in, and more. If you make it a habit to brake fast and take corners hard, you might need to replace your brake pads more often than someone who drives more cautiously.
Weather conditions also contribute to the wear and tear on your vehicle’s brakes. If you live in a warm, sunny climate with no snow, like Florida, you probably won’t have any weather-related issues with your brake system. However, if you live in a climate with a lot of snow and ice, you should know that the water can interfere with the longevity of your car’s brakes.
Water can easily get into your brake pads and rotors. When it’s below 32 degrees, your brakes and rotors can freeze. You’ll know if your brakes and rotors are frozen by the tell-tale squealing and grinding noises the vehicle makes when you start it up and begin driving.
It’s important to take your car in for routine maintenance to avoid issues with your brakes. Brake pads that become work down over time can expose your rotors to damage, costing you a lot of unnecessary time and money down the road. If you’re just starting to hear some squeaking when you brake, get ahead of the situation and make an appointment with a skilled mechanic as soon as possible.
Other signs your brake pads need to be replaced are: clicking noises, having to brake harder than normal to stop, a vibration when you press the brake pedal, your car pulling to one side when you brake, and more. Getting your brakes serviced is also important for your and your family’s safety. You can easily prevent an accident caused by faulty brakes by getting them taken care of professionally.
If you need brake repair, we invite you to bring your vehicle into our auto repair shop today!